1. Senior Engineer -
    Interhyp Gruppe, München / Munich

    6 Achievements

    • Modernized major parts of the application shell during dedicated tech debt sprints
    • Developed a central, configurable routing solution
    • With 4 colleagues, participated in the #wirvsvirus-Hackathon, creating help-at-home.org in 48 hours
    • Launched a 3rd party API integration to easen data import for customers
    • Took ownership of internal ESLint config & modernized it in regards of React Best Practices
    • Assumed the role Chapter Lead: UI Architecture

    Articles published:

    Talks held:

    Tools used/learnt:

  2. Web Developer -
    mpunkt GmbH, Augsburg

    7 Achievements

    • Project lead & continued development after takeover of a customer-tailored web application
    • Leading a SCRUM-like team of up to five developers
    • Using Code Review- and Pair Programming-like processes
    • Client contact concerning SDLC via mail, phone as well as on site
    • Modernizing the development processes with tools such as IDE plugins, npm, composer, Sentry, SCSS, React, TypeScript, webpack and Jenkins
    • Supervising and coordinating work students and trainees
    • Held internal trainings

    Talks held:

    Tools used/learnt:

  3. Self study: Web Development & Software Engineering -

    5 Achievements

    • Administrator of the official reddit.com/r/webdev Discord channel with several thousand learning developers
    • Built and maintained several versions of World of Warcraft-related tools (Advanced Guild Statistics, Advanced Armory Access, Artifact Power Rating)
    • Built and maintained several versions of Resources Helper, a data-driven calculation-heavy spreadsheet on steroids for a mobile game
    • During my training as media designer, developed and maintained several versions of a company internal PDF generator for time tracking
    • Built a neutral and transparent election orientation help for the German election of 2017

    Tools used/learnt:

  4. Vocational training as media designer -
    Printery Joh. Walch, Haunstetten

    Tools used/learnt:

  5. Philosophy -
    University of Augsburg, Augsburg
  6. Teacher's Education: German language & Philosophy -
    University of Trier, Trier

    3 Achievements

    • Member of the Philosophy student council Summer 2013 - Summer 2014
    • Website management of the Philosophy student council
    • Poster design for Philosophy student council events

    Tools used/learnt:

  7. Graduation -
    Gymnasium Königsbrunn, Königsbrunn

    Tools used/learnt:

  8. Birth -

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    Gerrit Alexljosberinn

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